Successful ALMA Inauguration on March 13, 2013

"Successful ALMA Inauguration on March 13, 2013"

ALMA has become now reality! Two main events happened in the last couple of months: The ALMA Inauguration on March 13, 2013 ( and the "First Year of ALMA Science Conference" ( held in Puerto Varas/Chile on December 17, 2012 and made possible by the support of RadioNet3.

One of the goals of the RadioNet3 programme is to provide and facilitate access to powerful radio-astronomical facilities like ALMA. RadioNet3 is achieving that goal through its TNA programme, which allows astronomers open sky access to sub-millimetre infrastructures and through JRAs, stimulating new R&D activities in synergy with ALMA. Moreover, RadioNet3 supports the European ALMA Regional Centres activities by the NA MARCUs, while the NAs SWG and New Skills conferences and schools are preparing the scientific community to profit of astonishing radio infrastructures like ALMA.

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