
This web-page gives descriptions of the policies of the RadioNet Board. There are documents describing the procedures for obtaining travel funds for RadioNet Networking Activities and Transnational Access. In addition, there are documents useful for people who are leading Networking Activities and who are the contact points for Transnational Access. The documents on this page are subject to change without notice. Please note the date at which a document was released on the web-page.

Useful information for NA and TNA leaders/contacts include a description of Policies for Networking Activity Chairs/Vice-Chairs (release date 9 March 2012) and Instructions on the Authorisation of Travel Claims (release date 3 September 2012).

The Travel claim forms can be found on the Networking Activities travel claim form page and the Transnational Access travel claim form page


Detailed instructions of all steps which have to be made, once a RadioNet3 financial support has been granted to an event organizers and/or participants, are give on the Step-by-Step page.

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