RadioNet3 sponsor of the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly

40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Moscow, Russia, 2 - 10 August 2014
Event E1.10 "The sharpest view of the radio universe - results from the RadioAstron (SPEKTR-R) mission"

Dear Colleague,

We encourage you to submit a contributed paper for the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly to be included in the event number E1.10 entitled "The sharpest view of the radio universe - results from the RadioAstron (SPEKTR-R) mission". We expect that the event will be held on 7-8 August 2014, final event dates will be announced in March 2014. Contributions are invited on theoretical, experimental, and technical aspects of space VLBI with an emphasis on recent RadioAstron results. A complete description of the event and abstract submission instructions are available on the Assembly web page or in the Call for Papers which was distributed as the August 2013 issue of Space Research Today, COSPAR's information bulletin. The deadline for the abstract submission is 14 February 2014. The Assembly web page address is:
It should be understood that this letter is not a commitment on the part of the organizers to provide financial support or complimentary registration. Should financial support be needed, follow the instructions posted on the Assembly web page or see the Call for Papers.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. M.V.Popov (popov069 [at] asc [dot] rssi [dot] ru)
Event No.E1.10
Main Scientific Organizer


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