Gas for Cosmology in the Nearby Universe

Event starts: 
Mon, 02/07/2012
Event ends: 
Mon, 02/07/2012

 "Gas for Cosmology in the Nearby Universe" (JENAM), Rome (IT), 2 July 2012


In the near future, many new radio facilities will open new exciting ways to study galaxies and their evolution in the distant Universe. However, this will have to be complemented by theoretical  studies of the detailed mechanics of galaxies, and their environments, in order to be able to learn about their complicated physics in a cosmological context. Detailed observations of nearby objects will provide crucial input for understanding the observations of more distant objects.  A key component that can be studied in detail for nearby objects is the gas, and in particular the cold gas (atomic and molecular). The accretion of gas, and how various processes, such as AGN and star formation, interact with it, regulate the life of a galaxy. The processes we want to focus on in this meeting are accretion of gas which fuel a galaxy, and gaseous outflows which may deplete a galaxy of this reservoir of gas.

New radio facilities are now (or soon) becoming available and will allow to investigate these two competing mechanisms in unprecedented detail in a large number of galaxies. How do we get ready for this jump?

This meeting aim to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of this topic, starting from the observational point of view and then expand to the theories and predictions which will allow to plan the next surveys.

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