The main objective of this activity is to set up a governance and management structure that will ensure that RadioNet is a well-managed, efficient and financially transparent project. Associated objectives include the promotion of RadioNet FP7 within the astronomical community and beyond.
- Prepare and introduce a transparent governance and appropriate management structure
- Distribute EC financing throughout the duration of the project, in a timely manner, including the central administration (ASTRON/JIVE) of travel funds associated with various WPs (Work Packages),
- Implement appropriate mechanisms for monitoring progress within WPs, including milestones and relevant deadlines,
- Establish and coordinate a reporting procedure and schedule for all stake-holders (Consortium board, European Commission, User Community etc.),
- Develop a close-knit network of intra-project communication channels between all WPs and the central project management and consortium board,
- Provide project support and expertise in issues related to contractual obligations, financial declarations and audit compliance,
- Ensure the full and broad engagement and participation of the astronomical community in all RadioNet activities and related opportunities,
- Maintain and continuously update an Intellectual Property (IP) register
- Promote the activities of RadioNet within the astronomical community and beyond by a dedicated outreach program, by establishing a website and producing promotional materials
- Nurture a close liaison with other associated (EC) projects e.g. PrepSKA FP7 (Square Km Array Preparatory Study), SKADS FP6 (Square Km Array Design Study).
RadioNet coordinator: M. Garrett (ASTRON), garrett [at] astron [dot] nl
RadioNet Project Manager: A. van Es (ASTRON), es [at] astron [dot] nl
More information can be found on the wiki (restricted access)