e-MerlinMERLIN is aunique astronomical facility which provides radio imaging, spectroscopy andpolarimetry with 10-150 milliarcsecond resolution and sub-mJy sensitivity at centimetrewavelengths. With a maximum baseline of217 km, it provides significantly higher (x 7) angular resolution than the VLAat a given observing frequency, while providing a natural short-baselinecomplement to the European VLBI Network. Joint MERLIN and EVN observations areregularly scheduled for radio imaging across a wide range of angular scales.
MERLIN has been operated as a national facilityby the University of Manchester on behalf of the UK research councils (PPARC/STFC)since 1991. The e-MERLIN project represents a major upgrade: the fundamentalinfrastructure of six large radio telescopes distributed across England hasbeen enhanced by new receivers (with improved sensitivity, wide frequencycoverage, and greater flexibility) and a 210 Gb/s optical fibre network hasbeen installed to connect each telescope to a powerful new correlator atJodrell Bank Observatory, which will be commissioned in 2008-2009.