up-coming RadioNet3 Technical Workshop
Mon, 17/08/2015 - 07:31
Final reminder of up-coming RadioNet3 Technical Workshop: "Multi-Frequency mm-wave Radio Telescopes & Other Software Controlled Operations" in Florence, October 5-7, 2015.
The Workshop is open for registration until 1st September "Multi-Frequency mm-Wave Radio Telescopes" is the topic of the first 2 days of this ERATec meeting. The purpose of these two days is to explore the benefits of having simultaneous observations at multiple frequencies in the mm-wave regime in a range of situations (particularly VLBI, given our background, but we are keen to be inclusive) and the possible methods for providing such a capability on a range of telescopes. The goal is to discuss what the science requires, and what the engineers can deliver. Based on these ideas we would seek funding for those (European) telescopes that are most keen to follow up such a capability. (KVN (Kr) and Yebes (Es) already have such systems, VERA (Jp) and ATCA (Au) are well advanced in proto-typing compatible systems).
It is followed by a day on "Software controlled operations" which will focus on optimizing the easy of use for instruments and share existing software. »