Newsletter 2RadioNet 3 NEWSLETTER No. 29 May 2013Dear friends and colleagues,
Since the last RadioNet3 Newsletter, a lot has happened. The RadioNet3 Board had his first face-to-face meeting since the kick-off meeting in February last year. Our Management Team and me try hard ,and with success, to give RadioNet3 and European radio astronomy more and more a face at the international level..... Find here the most interesting details of the RadioNet3 achievements in the last months... The first face-to-face Board meeting after the kickoff meeting of February 2012 in Bonn, was held in Bologna, Italy on March 18th 2013, chaired by Rafael Bachiller and very well organized by Tiziana Venturi. TNA, JRA, and NA leaders presented the activities since the previous Board teleconference. The document "RadioNet3 Study Group: Organization of Radio Astronomy in Europe" was presented by Mike Garrett, who stressed the many changes in radio astronomy in the last years. He added that EC asked the community to participate influencing the reorganization of radio astronomy. The document was subject to a deep discussion. Comments will be incorporated in an up-to-date version which will be later voted by Board Members. Phil Diamond, SKA Director, presented the status of the SKA project, Micheal Grewing the ASTRONET activities, in particular those connected to radio astronomy, and Patricia Vogel illustrated the achievements of the GO-SKA project. In the discussion that followed, partners were reminded that according to the original proposal, RadioNet3 developments could contribute to the SKA process and community building. RadioNet3 activities can be conducted in this spirit. Developments could contribute to the SKA process and community building. Grewing stressed that in September 2010 the Astronet Board decided to install the "European Radio Telescope Review Committee" (ERTRC) in coordination with RadioNet. The ERTRC's remit is to deliver to ASTRONET, in concert with RadioNet, a strategy to optimize the use of radio telescopes by the European astronomical community, both in the short- as well as in the medium- to long-term.
Short News:
New member of the Management Group Team appointed: EU Science: Global Challenge, Global Collaboration (ES:GC2)
On 4th-8th of March 2013, the European Parliament co-hosted a major conference in Brussels titled "EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration" (ES:GC2) in association with the Irish EU Presidency. The conference aimed at placing EU research at the centre of a global discussion on the scientific response to global challenges, bringing together scientists and science policymakers from 5 continents (
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 was also one of the main topics of the "EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration" (ES:GC2). Izabela Rottmann, RadioNet3 Project Manager, took part to the presentations of this next Framework Programme.
The first calls of Horizon 2020 will be launched on January 1st 2014. The main subject of Horizon 2020 is "Excellent Science, Competitive Industries and Better Society. Horizon 2020 aims to the continuation of the successful FP7 Integrating Activities.
RadioNet "Advance Radio Astronomy in Europe" listed in the Assessment report on Research & Innovation of the European Commission
The European Commission recently made public the "Consultation on possible topics for future activities for integrating and opening existing national research infrastructures - Assessment report" (February 2013).
RadioNet at EWASS2013
RadioNet3 will organize a Special Session (Sp2) at the coming European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS2013) on 08 July 2013. The EWASS2013 Conference will be held in Turku, Finland, 08-12 July 2013 ( entitled "The role of modern radio observatories in black hole and jet studies".
RadioNet3 Networking Activities NewsNetwork Activities (NAs) transform the way science is conducted in Europe. NAs foster interaction and collaboration among astronomers and engineers trough providing financial support for organisation of and participation at workshops, conferences, and training events.
QueSERA is a NA which aims at to better integrate, represent and advertise the radio astronomical facilities and ambitions on a national and European level. It has recently distributed a Call for proposals for "Travel support for advertising RadioNet science". The RadioNet work package QueSERA (addressing Questions on Structuring European Radio Astronomy, see is providing opportunities for travels by supporting two possible actions: 1) colloquia at astronomy institutes or national astronomy conferences in countries with little radio astronomy tradition; 2) talks at conferences with astrophysics topics that have made limited use of radio astronomy techniques (so far).
SCIENCE WORKING GROUP (SWG) & New Skills for astronomers, are NAs which act to disseminate knowledge and scientific results, and to train astronomers for future radio astronomy facilities are providing. Considering the many events supported in 2012 statistical considerations can be derived. Events 2012 Statistics ALMA & SKA were the most frequently subjects of supported conferences. The majority of the participants came from European Institutes. Many participants also came from non-European countries, showing that the popularity of the RadioNet3 events is growing world-wide. 40% of the participants were women. Past meetings & events supported by SWG and New Skills are:
Future meetings & events
Conference 'Neutron Stars‘ 6-10 May 2013, Amsterdam, NL
RadioNet3 Transnational Access (TNA)The TNA programme is designed to stimulate the full exploitation of the open skies policy. It offers access to several radio telescopes and arrays covering an unprecedented range of wavelengths (from 10 MHz to 1 THz) and resolving power (from arc-minutes to milli arc-seconds). NA is offering 3000 hours (out of 1600 expected for the first 18 months) of access to the leading radio telescopes. More than 700 users have been hosted. The Sardinia Radio Telescope, is now in the Technical Commissioning. The distribution of a Call for Proposals for observations in 2014 is expected by the end of 2013.
JCMT asked for withdrawal from the RadioNet3 project, with retroactive effect from January 1st, 2012. Joint Research Activity DIVA highlights
RadioNet3 JRAs support target Research & Development activities, aiming to a more efficient use of telescope hardware, to increase the observing bandwidth (beyond 1 THz), and to increase the field of view of the telescopes (multi-feeds, phased array). The RadioNet3 JRAs started in July 1st, 2012. a) Wide-band feed: operational benefits, increased survey speed, and a significant cost saving almost achieved with the wide-band Eleven feed developed in Europe through OSO/Chalmers. The possibility of significantly larger instantaneous bandwidth observations will be created. The bandwidth for the DIVA1 feed will be 1-4 GHz as minimum requirement. Within the SKA program this will be applicable for the Advanced Instrumentation Program (AIP).
The circular Eleven antenna feed
DBBC3-L block diagram.
The system consists of an analogue to digital converter "ADB3-L", the