On 5/6 October 2010, the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre, Latvia, hosted the RadioNet Mid-Term Review. The meeting reviewed the current status and progress of all components of RadioNet under the current EC FP7 programme. The Mid-Term Review was conducted by the External Expert Prof. J. Marcaide (University of Valencia, Spain) on the basis of the midterm report that was submitted to the EC directorate earlier this summer.

The RadioNet Officers, a selected group of board members and the leaders of all four RadioNet Joint Research Activities (see left image) presented the RadioNet activities: Trans-National Access, Joint Research and Networking Activities. The review was concluded by a visit to the radio telescope in Irbene (see right image) - a recent addition to the EVN network and thus to the RadioNet facilities that can be accessed through the RadioNet Trans-National access programme.
The participants of the meeting left Latvia with the feeling that the review was passed successful by RadioNet.
A month later, the RadioNet Coordinator was notified by the EC Research Directorate that the project passed the review successfully with outstanding marks: "Excellent progress" and it was commented that the project has fully achieved its objectives and technical goals for the period or has even exceeded expectations.
Congratulations to the RadioNet community for this achievement!