Event starts:
Mon, 20/09/2010 (All day)
Event ends:
Fri, 24/09/2010 (All day)

Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the University of Manchester, on
behalf of the European VLBI Consortium, will host the 10th European VLBI
Network Symposium and the EVN Users Meeting from September 20th - 24th, 2010,
entitled "VLBI and the new generation of radio arrays". The Symposium will be
held at the University of Manchester, UK.
At this conference the latest scientific results and technical
developments from VLBI and e-VLBI
results will be reported. The timing of this meeting coincides with the
development of, and first results from a number of new and upgraded radio
facilities around the globe, such as e-MERLIN, LOFAR, EVLA, ALMA, and the SKA pathfinders ASKAP and MeerKAT. This meeting will
incorporate some of the first results from these new
instruments, in addition to the unique scientific and technical
contribution of VLBI in this new era of radio astronomy.
Planned science sessions will include: Life cycle of matter in
stars and
galaxies; AGN and cosmic star-formation; Extreme Astrophysics; Astrometry,
Geodesy, space and planetary science; Techniques & developments.
The conference will be held in the University of Manchester's conference
venue, the Weston Building, which is situated in city centre of
Manchester. Manchester itself is a vibrant city with ample attractions and
amenities for all visitors. Accommodation for delegates has been
reserved in the conference venue itself. Further information regarding
this conference as well as specific details regarding the venue and
accommodation will available shortly on the conference website and in
subsequent announcements.
This meeting will also incorporate the EVN Users
meeting and a trip to Jodrell Bank Observatory.
LOC Contact: evnsymp2010 [at] jb.man.ac.uk