Achievements in reporting period:

  • List of activities organised during reporting period

Good progress has been made which includes very encouraging noise, bandwidth and rejection figures on several mixer and cryogenic amplifier prototypes.

  • Meetings attended – both meetings for NA organisation or meetings on behalf of RadioNet

Problems / Issues

  • Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen

All tasks made good progress since the beginning of the year, except for the photonic local oscillator (AMSTAR+ Task 2). Problems are: 1) difficulty in phase-locking the lasers, despite the use of new laser sources; 2) a shortage of manpower at RAL (the group in charge of this sub-task) linked to the heavy involvment of the group in the integration of ALMA front-end receivers (RAL hosts the ALMA European Integration Center). We will see how this problem may be solved. It remains that the photonic LO sub-task is not essential for Task 2, as we have an alternate solution available which consists in using conventional Gunn LOs.

  • Red flags - major problems

So, there is no red flag.

Forward Look With the 6-month prolongation of the JRA, theer should be no problem in reaching the main goals of all 4 tasks.

  • * Expected milestones/deliverables

Deliverables are reports and a test on telescope.

Financial Report *

By Excel Sheet

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