Radionet3 Wiki na:eratec:tog
2019-12-17T10:11:24+01:00Radionet3 Wiki
Update August 24, 2012: Minutes from the TOG meeting can be found here.
The EVN TOG meeting is to be held at Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) between June 27-28, 2012.
OSO is situated about 45km south of the city of Göteborg, and is the
Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. This page gives details of the meeting.text/html2013-05-26T17:19:23+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-02
Update May 26, 2013: Minutes from the TOG meeting can be found here.
The RadioNet3 ERATec Workshop “Radio Interference in Large Bandwidth Observations is to be held at Max Planck Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR), Bonn, April 8-12, 2013. This includes the EVN TOG-meeting on April 10 as well as the DBBC-workshop on April 11-12.text/html2014-02-25T08:04:48+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-03
Update February 25, 2014: Minutes from the TOG meeting can be found here.
The next EVN TOG Meeting will be held at Wettzell, Germany, on January 23, 2014. In addition, we also plan to have a hands-on workshop on January 24.
* Information and registration: <>
* TOG Agenda
* Correlators and stations reports. Workshop presentationstext/html2015-06-22T12:10:33+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-04
Update November 19, 2014: Minutes from the TOG meeting
The EVN TOG meeting is to be held in Cagliari between October 5-6, 2014.
Information and registration:
* Information and registration: <>
* TOG Agenda
* Correlators and stations reports.
* Minutestext/html2015-09-07T13:42:10+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-05
The EVN TOG meeting is to be held in Robledo de Chavela, Spain, in June 26th, 2015.
Information and registration:
* Information and registration
* TOG Agenda
* Correlator and stations reports
* Presentations
* Minutestext/html2016-02-26T16:18:30+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-06
The EVN TOG meeting is to be held in the Real observatorio de Madrid, headquarters of the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Spain, in February 9th, 2016. The GMVA tech meeting will be held one day before (8/2/2016) in the same location.
Information and registration:text/html2017-01-19T10:52:34+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-06_2
The EVN TOG meeting is to be held in the Institute of Applied Astronomy, nab. Kutuzova 10, St.Petersburg, preceeding the EVN symposium
Information and registration:
* Information and registration
* TOG Agenda
* Correlator and stations reports
* TOG Presentations
* [TOG minutes]text/html2017-06-12T17:07:59+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-08
The EVN TOG and the GMVA meetings will be held in Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center (VIRAC), Ventspils.
Information and registration:
* Information and registration
* GMVA Agenda (22 May)
* TOG Agenda (23 May)
* Correlator and stations reports
* TOG Presentations
* GMVA Presentations
* [TOG minutes]text/html2018-04-12T08:37:23+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-09
The EVN TOG meeting will be held in Shanghai, China.
[Group photograph]
Information and registration:
* Information and registration
* TOG Agenda
* Correlator and stations reports
* TOG Presentations
* [Minutes]text/html2018-10-22T15:42:37+01:00na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-10
All documentation can be found here
Information and registration:
* Local information and registration
* Reports
* TOG agenda
* TOG Presentations