Table of Contents

QueSERA wiki

The field of radio astronomy is set to blossom over the coming decade. Two major facilities are expected to become operational (ALMA & SKA1), which will have significant scientific and technological impacts in the field both scientifically and technically. Additionally, some traditional facilities are undergoing important upgrades. Clearly the technological advances are presenting a myriad of options to push science into uncharted discovery space. These science and technology aspects are addressed in other areas of the RadioNet3 programme. The need to better integrate, represent and advertise the radio astronomical facilities and ambitions is the aim of this Networking Activity.DoW_QueSERA


Meetings & Minutes

Meetings & minutes of the WP2: QueSERA team (Task1, Task2 & Task3)

* QueSERA: Meetings and Minutes


The following deliverables are scheduled for QueSERA:

NoPlan monthDelivery dateDeliverables
D2.110.2012D2.1 Report Plan for reaching astronomers across Europe
D2.210.2012D2.2 ReportTerms of reference for the policy discussion
D2.312.2012D2.3 ReportProduction of outreach materials for astronomical community
D2.407.2013D2.4 ReportMinutes of meeting outreach officers
D2.507.2013D2.5 Report Minutes from policy meetings
D2.606.2014D2.6 Report PR material aimed at general public
D2.707.2014D2.7 Report Minutes from policy meetings
D2.812.2014D2.8 ReportProduction of outreach materials for astronomical community
D2.906.2015D2.9 ReportReport on effectiveness of task 2, advertising radio astronom capabilities
D2.1006.2015D2.10 White paper White Paper on European radio astronomy governance

The Chairman of QueSERA is Huib van Langevelde (JIVE)