AMSTAR+: Achievements in reporting period: 2010 Q4/2011 Q1

List of working documents

Progress report presentations made at the Jan 2011 AMSTAR+ meeting (see AMSTAR+ wiki pages).

Main Activities during

AMSTAR+ hold its last face-to-face mmeting on Jan 19th at Paris Observatory. The meeting was attended by 20 engineers and scientists representing the 10 institutes participating to the JRA, plus ESO. Most of the day was devoted to oral progress reports on the work carried out in the institutes in the frame of AMSTAR+ and on a discussion on the working plan for 2011-2012. In particular the option of a prolongation RadioNet and of the JRA AMSTAR+ until end of June 2012 was discussed and agreed by the participants.

The work in all 4 AMSTAR+ workpackages has much progressed in 2010, yielding some very interesting results (see the slides of the presentations on the AMSTAR+ Wiki pages).

The question of how to finance the 6-month 2012 extension was considered. Although several groups pointed out that they will have difficulties in finding enough extra funding to pay personnel and consumables from their institutes and would have welcome a more significant extra EU funding from RadioNet, it was decided to distribute the 44 ke RadioNet resource between all institutes prorata of the original budgets.

Meetings attended by people involved

2011, Q1: AMSTAR+ face-to-face meeting.

Problems / Issues

No red or orange flags, although some of the groups have not yet caught up with delays (mostly due to late funding).

Red flags - major problems


Forward Look

The AMSTAR+ JRA should globally achieve its main goals by the end of the programme.