During this period a great deal of activity took place in the UniBoard project. Testing of the prototype was completed and with it a revised hardware design. A production run got underway at the end of 2010, with expected delivery of 8 boards in April - May 2011. XGB boards and enclosures were produced and delivered. Thanks to the re-division of funds within RadioNet it became possible to populate all boards with 4 GB DDR3 memory modules. Revised hard- and firmware design documents were written, fulfilling all deliverables (due by month 27) just a few days after the end of Q9. A very successful and well-attended face-to-face general project meeting was held in Bordeaux in October 2010. Finally, an Erlang high level programming/UniBoard control code tutorial was held at JIVE, featuring live streaming video through EVO, enabling participants from outside the Netherlands (and some within the Netherlands but outside the building) to participate interactively.
Removing FN2 UniBoard Sjouke Zwier, 11-10-2010
UniBoard Interconnection PCB production meeting Gijs Schoonderbeek, 20-10-2010
UniBoard rev. 2.0 Schematic Gijs Schoonderbeek, Sjouke Zwier, 17-11-2010
UniBoard rev. 2.0 Board Description Gijs Schoonderbeek, Sjouke Zwier, 04-11-2010
Uniboard firmware development. Eric Kooistra, 04-11-2010
XGB rev. 2.0 Schematic Gijs Schoonderbeek, Sjouke Zwier, 09-11-2010
Testing 10 Gigabit links between UniBoard and a PC. Jonathan Hargreaves, 15-11-2010
X-ray images of UniBoard, Neways/Fix Trade, + TDR Measurements + PCB cross sections Astron design team, 26-11-2010
UniBoard power estimation Gijs Schoonderbeek, 17-12-2010
UNIBOARD Pulsar Project Definition, PDS-020:0.1 Aziz AhmedSaid, Chris Shenton, Rob Ferdman, Ben Stappers, 14-03-2011
Uniboard transceiver firmware module. Daniel van der Schuur, 10-03-2011
Uniboard SVN draft database structure, see SVN General/ for latest revision. Eric Kooistra, 17-01-2011
1Gb Ethernet Module description. Eric Kooistra, 02-02-2011
UNB_Common Module Description. Eric Kooistra, 03-02-2011
Specification for module interfaces using VHDL records and wrappers. Eric Kooistra, 03-02-2011
A UniBoard-based Phase 1 SKA Correlator and Beamformer Arpad Szomoru et al., 04-02-2011
UniBoard 2: Delivery package and recommendated peripherals Gijs Schoonderbeek, 18-03-2011
not quite within reporting period:
EVN Correlator Design revised March 2011. Jonathan Hargreaves, Harro Verkouter, 01-04-2011
UniBoard digital receiver revised design doc Gianni Comoretto, et al., 05-04-2011
General activities in Q8 - Q9:
4-weekly project-wide general telecons
monthly JIVE/ASTRON Correlator Implementation and Control meetings
2-weekly ASTRON/JIVE internal technical meetings
2-weekly internal technical meetings at UMAN
UMAN-UORL meetings (December 2010, February 2011)
face-to-face general meeting, Bordeaux, October 12-13, 2010
Erlang tutorial, Dwingeloo, February 11 2011
Visit by Shenton to JIVE/ASTRON, February 2011
Activities by institute in Q8 - Q9:
Finalizing of hardware design, sent out for production
Memory modules ordered and received
(with JIVE) Control infrastructure fixed, software issue in switch device solved
XGB board tests
8 XGB boards are produced and ready
Design of metal enclosure including fans
8 enclosures currently ready for boards
(with JIVE) Integrated test firmware with following modules: SPI flash access, PPS, I2C sensors, DDR3 access, transceivers FN-BN mesh, transceivers via XGB between BN nodes, 10 Gb Ethernet between FN nodes, 1 Gb Ethernet implicit via test control
In parallel with the DBBC work, the full design of a 8GS/s, 3-bit ADC (CMOS 65 nano) was finalized and sent to the foundry in January 2011
Designing of 6-bit functional blocks continues
Test Design:
EVN Correlator Design:
Several firmware modules have been coded, verified and are ready to integrate into the top level design: Correlator Engine, Polyphase Filter Bank (including multi-channel FFT), FN-BN Interface.
Other firmware modules are coded and currently being verified: Delay Module, Input Buffer (including FN control logic).
The last module, the Corner Turner, has not been coded but a design specification has been written for it.
Board control:
Finalized embedded code that runs on the NiosII CPU on the FPGA, for comman processing and execution
Finalized Erlang client code which interfaces between the user and the UniBoard's FPGAs, ultimately allowing the control of all FPGAs on a UniBoard from a single command.
Completion of description and analysis of how to perform the large FFTs required for coherent dedispersion
Description of the message passing requirements of the pulsar processing modes
Analysis of how the existing tools in the UniBoard repository might be reused for the pulsar processing modes and identifying which tools will need to be written in full.
Iteration on the architecture of the proposed coherent dedispersion implementation and first steps towards modularization
Analysis (and documentation) of the sizing and initial design of the pulsar search mode for the UniBoard
Specification and acquisition of a test board (with FPGA similar to those used on UniBoard)
In order to improve the quality of the astronomical observation, two RFI managing options are proposed:
Generation of a flag indicating the presence of RFI, leading to a clean and a polluted data profile at the end of the folding process. In this way no lossed occur and posteriori checks remain a possibilty
Replacement of polluted samples by fake but “clean” samples. Comparison, in the case of coherent pulsar dedispersion, of four fake samples generations:
chosen randomly from clean observed signal
chosen in order from clean observed signal
regenerated according to signal distribution
leads to the conclusion that solution 2 provides the best results
A ModelSim license was obtained
Development of 1K points pholyphase filter + parallel FFT core was completed on Xylinx-based Chinese dBBC board; this code will be ported to the UniBoard
Design of a 5Gsps ADC board with a commercial chip and 10GE interfaces has been started, which will be connected to the UniBoard
The problem using the CMU transceiver channels has not been resolved, so it is still only possible to use 12 external 10GE ports on each side of the UniBoard
Not a problem but a risk: it was not possible to run the DDR3 tests at full speed due to problems with the DDR3 power supplies. The problems should be resolved on the new boards but we can't be sure until we receive them
Red flags - major problems
Forward look
Delivery of all UniBoards
Integration with XGB and enclosure
UniBoard testing
Integrated test firmware image available for all partners
Completion of UniBoard firmware platform document to ship with the board
EVN Correlator firmware integration to perform signal flow tests in both simulation and hardware.
Finalization of documentation on board control
Reorganization of Erlang codebase as a direct effect of attending “Erlang University” course on how to actually organize code and applications in Erlang.
Implementation of 2 x 10G UDP frame loopback test harness based on a STRATIX IV eval board, and standard Altera 10G IP
Implementation of dummy DSP block and frame pass through loop test
Integration of dedispersion block into test harness
Implementation of UniBoard NIOS 2 based Control Plane processor and associated Erlang control code.
Creation of an architecture for large FFTs
Implementation of a dedispersion coefficients generator, polyphase filter bank, folding architecture, full dedispersion architecture
Transition of Eval Board based designs to UniBoard
Implemention of a Taylor Tree architecture
Assembly of full searching architecture
Testing on actual board
Validation of the implementations with Matlab and Simulink
Extension of the two RFI mitigation algorithms to several channels simultaneously
Testing of the implemented RFI mitigation algorithms on Altera BeMicro SDK
Testing of the implemented RFI mitigation algorithms on the actual board
Expected milestones/ deliverables
All deliverables are in place, the next and final deliverables are due in month 36. Milestone 9.5, conclusion system test, due in month 27, was in fact reached with the successful completion of the testing of the UniBoard prototype. The delivery of the production boards however, along with the completed firmware test suite, will be the real milestone. This is expected end of April, beginning of May 2011.