RadioNet contribution in present budget: Euros 6250
RadioNet WP4 contact: K-L Klein.
Venue under investigation (e.g. Nancay, France; Sep or Oct 2010)
SOC H. Aurass (Potsdam), K.-L. Klein (Meudon & Radionet; chair), A. MacKinnon (Glasgow), V. Melnikov (Nizhnyi Novgorod), A. Nindos (Ioannina), S. Poedts (Leuven ; European Solar Phys Div of EPS), S. Pohjolainen (Turku)
The School will cover key subjects in solar radio physics and physics of the Sun-Earth conection such as emission mechanisms, magnetic fields in the corona and their role in energy storage and release. Observing and data processing techniques will encompass a frequency range from sub-mm to m waves and longer, using ground-based and space borne observations.