====== ALBiUS meeting (Garching, 16-17 June 2009) ====== \\ After the succesful brainstorming meeting, it's time to get together again to define a detailed work-plan for ALBiUS. In order to do that we must focus on planning, resources, milestones and deliverables. Therefore we ask you to fill a '[[jra:albius:meeting:june09#questionnaire]]' for every task/deliverable. Please send us your filled questionnaire before the meeting. \\ ===== Participants: ===== |**Name**|**Institute**| | H. van Langevelde | JIVE | | G. Cimò | JIVE | | S. Bourke | JIVE | | M. Kettenis | JIVE | | R. Laing | ESO | | P. Andreani | ESO | | B. Glendenning | NRAO | | H.-R. Kloeckner | Oxford | | P. Alexander | Cambridge | | A. Richards | Manchester | | A. Roy | MPIfR | | R. Nijboer (*) | ASTRON | \\ (*) Presentation in teleconference. \\ ===== Programme: ===== ^ Tuesday (16th June) ^^^ |12:30| //Lunch// || |14:00| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-intro.pdf|Introduction}} | Cimò (JIVE) | |14:30| {{:jra:albius:meeting:albius_wp.pdf|Goals of this meeting}} | van Langevelde (JIVE) | |15:00| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-framework.pdf|Framework}} (6.1.1) | Bourke (JIVE) | |15:20| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-parseltongue.pdf|Distributed ParselTongue}} (6.1.2) | Kettenis (JIVE) | |15:40| //Coffee// || |16:15| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-fring.pdf|Global Fring Fitting}} (6.2.1) | Glendenning (NRAO) | |16:40| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-directiondependentcalibration.pdf|Ionospheric/Tropospheric}} (6.2.2) | Richards (UMAN) | |17:00| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-eso.pdf|Primary beam/Mosaicing}} (6.2.3) | Laing (ESO) | | | //[[jra:albius:meeting:june09#Dinner location|Dinner]]// || ^ Wednesday (17th June) ^^^ |09:00| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius-calibration.pdf|Distributed Processing Calibration}} (*) (6.2.5) | Nijboer (ASTRON) | |09:20| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albius_6.3.3_nijboer.pdf|Source Parametrization}} (*) (6.3.3) | Nijboer (ASTRON) | |09:40| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albiusucam.pdf|Polarization}} (*) (6.2.4) | Alexander (UCAM) | |10:00| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albiusmpifr.pdf|RFI mitigation}} (6.3.1) | Roy (MPG) | |10:20| //Coffee// || |10:45| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:albiusbord.pdf|Astrometric positions}} (*) (6.2.6) | Charlot (BORD) | |10:50| {{:jra:albius:meeting:jun09:hrk_albius2.pdf|Data Inspection and Excision}} (6.3.2) | Kloeckner (UOXF)| |11:10| Discussion of goals | | |12:10| Final remarks | van Langevelde (JIVE) | |12:30| **Lunch - End of the meeting** || \\ (*) Teleconference or third party report or to be defined. ===== Questionnaire: ===== The aim of this questionnaire is to iterate on the content of the tasks in the workpackage ALBiUS in order to make sure a consistent overall project planning can be maintained.\\ \\ **Task:** //number, following the {{:jra:albius:albius_dow_02-03-2009.pdf|DoW}}//\\ \\ **Leading Institute:** //institute, also in the DoW//\\ \\ **Local Leader:** //responsible person//\\ \\ **Objective or Use Case:** //short description of research to be done OR functionality that will be available after successful project//\\ \\ **Major milestone:** //usually deliverable + month after start, following the DoW//\\ \\ **Minor milestones:** //milestone + month after start (1/1/09), man-months required, institute contributing; in order to do some reasonable monitoring and planning we require some additional points along the path, say every 4-6 months, ideally this should be as consistent as possible with the original plan, but can be re-distributed in principle.// == Example: == ^milestone^ month due ^ man-months ^ |Evaluation of existing code| 9 | ASTRON: 2, NRAO: 4 | |Prototype of algorithm A| 15 | ASTRON: 6 | | etc. ||| \\ **Platform/strategic choices:** //briefly describe in which environment, for which instrument this will be done, tested//\\ \\ **Identified manpower:** //confirmed people involved or plan to address this//\\ \\ **Any other issues:** //any other issues// ===== Accommodation and Registration: ===== The participants will be accommodated at the Hotel König Ludwig in Garching.\\ A block of single rooms has been reserved for this meeting.\\ Cost: € 79,- per night/room with breakfast.\\ Deadline for this block booking is 25 May. Please contact [[ezuffane@eso.org|Elena Zuffanelli]] at ESO for the logistics arrangements. In particular, you are kindly asked to provide the following details:\\ * name\\ * institute\\ * e-mail address\\ * arrival date\\ * departure date\\ * vegetarian yes/no\\ * dinner yes/no\\ * hotel room needed yes/no\\ * remarks\\ ===== Directions: ===== The meeting will be held in the **//conference room L130//**:\\ \\ This room can be found in the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP) building in Garching, Boltzmannstrassse 2, where the ESO Data Management and Operations Division (DMO) and the Software Development Division (SDD) reside. To get there please check the [[http://www.eso.org/public/about-eso/travel/images/esoipp-site.jpg|Site Plan]] of the ESO Facilities at ESO Headquarters and the ESO offices at IPP. Some [[http://www.eso.org/public/about-eso/travel/access-mpe-offices.pdf|pictures]] provide some guidance on how to find your way to the ESO offices at IPP. \\ ===== Dinner location: ===== The meeting dinner will take place at the [[http://www.le-sud.de/|Le Sud]] in Munich. ----