In January 2010 the layout of the UniBoard was completed and manufacture itself could begin. A correlator design document was written and reviewed. VHDL design and simulations continued at all institutes and most test firmware, which in many cases will be used as application building blocks, has been completed. SHAO officially became a partner when the RadioNet FP7 contract was formally amended. The board itself continues to generate considerable interest in the radio-astronomical community, and several groups are considering using the board as a LOFAR all-station correlator. In this context Oxford University, already member of RadioNet FP7, decided to join the UniBoard project as well, bringing the total number of partners to nine. The first prototype will be delivered right on time, and the project as a whole remains on schedule.
Draft UniBoard EVN correlator design, Jonathan Hargreaves and Harro Verkouter, 13-01-2010
UniBoard hardware design, Gijs Schoonderbeek and Sjouke Zwier, 29-01-2010
UniBoard Schematic, Gijs Schoonderbeek and Sjouke Zwier, 29-01-2010
RFI Mitigation Implementation for Pulsar radio astronomy, D.Ait-Allal et al., paper submitted to EUSIPCO 2010 conference, August 2010.
General activities in Q5:
2-weekly project-wide general telecons
monthly JIVE/ASTRON Correlator Implementation and Control meetings
2-weekly ASTRON/JIVE internal technical meetings
Activities by institute in Q5:
board layout finished; now in production
several iterations with production company to optimize the manufacturability
document written on re-usable firmware (not yet on wiki)
implementation of re-usable FFT module
initial design of adapter board (XGB, 10G Break-out board)
interface and protocol between control computer and board defined and refined, partly implemented
design and simulations for interface between front and back node FPGAs
completed firmware: simple LED example to prove functionality of JTAG interface, DDR memory interface, FPGA mesh, NIOS design and SPI chip read/write
document produced describing test suite
correlator design document review
mathematical model of digital filter refined
statistics module (signal distribution, power etc.) has been validated
the various modules have been linked to the NIOS
VHDL design of the different modules of the front node FPGA (polyphase filer + 16-points FFT + configurations & communications modules) was completed
design of the fast ADC is complete at the schematic level (3-bit design in a first step); testing of associated T/H ASIC was successfully completed on a test PCB
the preliminary design for the front and back node FPGAs has been integrated in a SOPC (System on Programmable Chip) processor, using the general SOPC architecture developed for the board
second stage of the FFT polyphase filter and the variable decimation tunable filter, in the second stage chip, have been coded and tested
detailed schematic review in January. Several minor problems found and corrected
transceiver power supply configuration changed to accomodate an Altera data sheet change
progress with test designs: designs to test DDR, configuration memory, I2C, INTA/B and watchdog reset completed and verified. Designs to test the 10G ports and the front-back node mesh are in progress: will also serve as infrastructure blocks in applications such as the EVN correlator
draft design EVN correlator placed on wiki in January
detailed design of correlator control software in progress, revised document to be ready in Q6
work on Erlang VEX parser
mapping of VEX file to SQL database scheme
first version of de-channelizer completed, which decodes multi-channel MarkIV data and recodes it into single-channel VDIF; decoding available in Erlang and in just-in-time compiled
single- and/or multiple bit data with various fan-out modes successfully tested on software correlator
C-code base for hardware agnostic parts of embedded NIOS CPU in place
client Erlang code for FPGA control written; verified agains emulators written in Erlang (direct connection) and C (via UDP/IP)
work started on Erlang
GUI for test applications
work on 10G ethernet routing and use
Matlab simulation package of pulsar dispersion & dedispersion completed
report written on first simulations and dedispersion tests
Problems / Issues
Issues - organizational, administrative or other problems foreseen
JIVE needs to hire a new firmware engineer soon
BORD contract for Pascal Camino will expire in Q6. A face-to-face meeting in Bordeaux with INAF is planned in April 2010 to discuss available manpower and task takeover
Red flags - major problems
Forward Look (till end of 2010)
meeting in Bordeaux on fully integrated digital receiver design and UniBoard applications
work on digital receiver documentation
assist with UniBoard debugging
host UniBoard face-to-face meeting in Bordeaux (Oct. 2010)
continue fast ADC design including de-multiplexing stage; at foundry Nov. 2010
finish test design mid April 2010
test board and revise design May-July 2010
correlator firmware development April-August 2010 (“proof of concept” correlator to test autocorrelations and correlate delay-corrected data)
complete analysis of real baseband data (20MHz) from the WSRT to test Matlab code
expand simulations to include wider bandwidths, polyphase filters etc.
continued development of data distribution models/plans for UniBoard
migrate simulations from floating point to fixed point for implementation on FPGA
start development work on other pipelines, eg searching, incoherent dedispersion
migrate from a model based simulation to an FPGA targeted design and simulation
meetings with UMAN, before and after summer 2010
Matlab simulation on real data from Nancay telescope; continuous update of the RFI mitigation algorithm architecture in collaboration with UMAN
Matlab model of this architecture (Sep. 2010)
test of gold model on synthetic and real data
engineering position will become available June 2010
start of VHDL coding
Expected milestones/ deliverables