==== 5th Engineering Forum Workshop (Cagliari / Italy, 12 - 13 May 2011)====
===== Receiver Gain Stability =====
{{:na:engineering:ew:call_for_papers_i.pdf|1st Announcement}} sent on February 23rd, 2011.
{{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_poster_final.pdf|5th Eng. Forum Workshop Poster}} in A0 Format.
===== Participants =====
^No^Name^Institute Country^
| 1 | Sergio Mariotti | INAF | Italy |
| 2 | Germano Bianchi | INAF IRA | Italy |
| 3 | Tonino Pisanu | INAF-OAC | Italy |
| 4 | Alessandro Navarrini | IRAM | France |
| 5 | Sener Türk | MPIfR | Geramny |
| 6 | Reinhard Keller | MPIfR | Germany |
| 7 | Alessandro Orfei | INAF-IRA | Italy |
| 8| Francesco Gaudiomonte | INAF OAC |Italy |
| 9 | Andrea Possenti | INAF-Osservatorio di Cagliari |Italy |
| 10 | Pietro Bolli | INAF - OAC | Italy |
| 11 | Peter Wilkinson |University of Manchester | UK | |
| 12 | Juan Daniel Gallego Puyol | Observatorio Astronomico Nacional | Spain |
| 13 | Bartosz Lew | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Poland |
| 14 | Eduardo Artal | Universidad de Cantabria | Spain |
| 15 | Andrea Cremonini | INAF-IRA| Italy |
| 16 | Giuseppe Valente | INAF OAC | Italy |
| 17 | Miguel Bergano | Instituto Telecomunicacoes | Portugal |
| 18 | Daniel Bruch | IAF | Germany|
| 19 | Petri Kirves |Metsähovi Radio Observatory | Finnland|
| 20 | Patrice Serres | IRAM | France |
| 21 | Ernesto Limiti |University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
| 22 | Walter Ciccognani |University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
| 23 | Sergio Colangeli |University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
| 24 | Diego Palombini |University of Rome Tor Vergata | Italy |
| 25 | Marco Monni | Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari | Italy |
| 26 | Galen Watts | NRAO | USA | videoconference |
| 27 | Giampaolo Serra | Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari | Italy | videoconference |
| 28 | Edward Wallack | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center| USA |
| 29 | Andrea Pinna|Università di Cagliari | Italy |
| 30 | Daniele Locci| Universita di Cagliari| Italy |
| 31 | T. L. Venkatasubramani | SKA-KAT Project| South Africa | videoconference|
| 32 | Roberto Frau | Università degli studi di Cagliari| Italy |
===== Programme =====
**Abstract submission deadline on April 30th, 2011** !!!!\\
\\ All abstracts will be available under {{:na:engineering:ew:5thengworkshop_abstracts_final.pdf|5th Engineering Forum Workshop Abstracts}}
**Thursday, 12 May 2011**
^ Time ^ Issue^
| 13.00 - 14.00| Lunch at the hotel Margerita|
| 14.30 - | Departure from hotel |
| 15.30 - 17.30 | Visit at the radio telescope site (SRT) |
| 18.30 - | Arrival to the hotel |
| 20.00 - | Dinner|
**Friday, 13 May 2011**
^ Time ^ Title ^ Speaker ^
^09.00 – 09.30 ^Registration ^^
|09.30 – 09.40 | Welcome and Introduction |R. Keller & T. Pisanu |
|09.40 - 10.20 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_bruch.pdf|Mechanisms of 1/f noise and Gain Instabilities in metamorphic HEMTS}} | D. Bruch (IAF) |
|10.30 - 11.00 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_galliego.pdf|Gain Fluctuations of Cryogenic Amplifiers}} | J.D. Gallego Puyol (OAN) |
|11.10 - 11.40 | Coffee break ||
|11.40 - 12.10 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_mariotti.pdf|Receiver chain: Typical Gain drift and instabilities and their causes}} |S. Mariotti (INAF-IRA)|
|12.15 - 12.55 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_wollack.pdf|Precision Continuum Receivers for Astrophysical Applications}} | E. Wallack (NASA)|
|13.05 - 14.30 | Lunch||
|14.30 - 15.10 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_serres.pdf|Stability of the IRAM receive}} | P. Serres (IRAM)|
|15.20 - 15.50 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_bianchi.pdf|Added Phase Noise measurement for Local Oscillator distribution systems}} |G. Bianchi (INAF-IRA) |
|16.00 - 16.30| Coffee break ||
|16:30 - 17.00| Using High performance LNAs with cost-effective HEMTs in Radio-Astronomy Receivers |M. Bergano (Instituto de Telecomunicações)|
|17.10 - 17.40 | {{:na:engineering:ew:5th_ew_artal.pdf|Low frequency noise measurements in direct detection radiometers}} |E. Artal (Universidad de Cantabria)|
|17.50 - 18.00 | Summary | R. Keller & T. Pisanu| |
===== Group Photo: =====
{{:na:engineering:ew:imgl5259.jpg|Participants of the 5th Engineering Forum Workshop, Cagliari, Italy}}
===== Directions, Accomodation & Dinner Location: =====
The meeting is organised with Osservatorio Astronomico de Cagliari - INAF and it will be held at the [[(http://www.hotelreginamargherita.com/) |Hotel Regina Margherita]] in Cagliari / Italy.
Please read the
{{:na:engineering:ew:5thew_cagliari_travelinfo.pdf|Travel Information}} to find more details baout the meeting.
Please note that we have made only a block reservation at the Hotel Regina Margherita, but you are welcome
to choose any other hotel.
The reservation code for Hotel Regina is **59553** (single room: 95,00€; double room 140,00€)\\
**A social dinner** sponsored by RadioNet-FP7 will be at 8 pm on May 12, 2011 at the ....\\
Please let us know if you have any special wishes concerning the dinner.
===== Organisation =====
|Pietro Bolli (OAC-INAF) | Tonino Pisanu (OAC- INAF)|
|Marco Monni (OAC-INAF) |Reinhard Keller (MPIfR) |
|Giuseppe Valente (OAC-INAF) | A. Navarrini (IRAM)|
|Francesco Gaudiomonte (OAC-INAF) | F. Schäfer (MPIfR)|
|Izabela Rottmann (MPIfR) | M. Seelmann-Eggebert (FhG/IAF)|
===== Registration: =====
**Registration and abstract submission deadline is on April 30th, 2011 !!!!**\\
Please fill out the [[http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/vlbi/5thFP7/| **Registration Form**]] or contact [[irottnmann@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de|Izabela Rottmann]] for the logistics arrangements. In particular, you are kindly asked to provide the following details:\\
* name\\
* institute\\
* e-mail address\\
* arrival date\\
* departure date\\
* talk yes/no\\
* poster yes/no\\
* trip to SRT yes/no\\
* vegetarian yes/no\\
* dinner yes/no\\
* hotel room needed yes/no\\
* remarks\\
We plan to organise a trip to the [[http://www.srt.inaf.it/|Sardinien Telescope]] (SRT) on May 12th, 2011 (afternoon)
in conjunction with the workshop. \\
Please indicate in the registration form if you would like to participate in this tour.
Limited **travel support** for this meeting can be given via RadioNet-FP7 on special request to [[rkeller@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de|Reinhard Keller]].\\
A short document explaining the travel claim
procedure can be found on [[http://www.radionet-eu.org/sites/radionet-eu.org/files/cms/docs/Travel_claim_form_instructions_17june2009.pdf|RadioNet webpage]].
For further help please contact [[irottmann@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de|Izabela Rottmann]] (MPIfR, Bonn)