RadioNet Advcanced Radio Astronomy in Europe EC FP6
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User Group Questionnaire

Replies to this questionnaire are sent direct to RadioNet management, not the TNA facility. The questionnaire should be completed once by each user group as soon as the experiments on the infrastructure come to an end.

All replies will be treated in the strictest confidence. The information given will only be used for monitoring and assessment purposes.

1. RadioNet TNA facility financing the user
group's access to the research infrastructure :
2. User Project Acronym:
3. Person filling in the questionnaire
(normally the User Group Leader):
Family name
First name(s)
4. Where did you first find out about the possibilities of access supported through RadioNet?
EC Research Infrastructures Action web-site
CORDIS databases
RadioNet web-site
Infrastructure web-site
Announcement in journal
Announcement at conference
Direct mailing from infrastructure
Personal contact (please specify)
5. Without the support of RadioNet would you still have been able to carry out your work at this research infrastructure?
Yes   No
    If no, please indicate the reason (you may indicate more than one choice)
Not otherwise eligible to apply for access to the infrastructure(s)
Too difficult to obtain access by applying directly
Unable to pay travel & subsistence for one or more of the group members
Other (please specify)
6. Please assess the services provided by the contract with respect to the following points rating them on a scale of 1 to 5 (very poor, poor, fair, good, very good). Leave blank when the point is not applicable
Publicity, made by the infrastructure, concerning the access financed by the EC
Practical information provided on how to apply for access
Advice to use the most appropriate installation or infrastructure
Information provided, once your project was accepted, on how to use the facility
Scientific support to set up your experiments and interpret the results
Technical support to make best use of the installation(s)
Logistic support at the facility
(office space, computing, libraries, accommodation)
Administrative support
(including the reimbursement of travel & subsistence expenses)
Overall appreciation of the services provided
The intellectual environment
    Please indicate any comments you would like to make on the services provided
    (here you can also differentiate your appreciation with respect to the different installations or infrastructures)
7. Please indicate any further comments or suggestions you would like to make concerning your access to the infrastructure