*No events organised in Jan-June 2011 but planning for the major events of this year, see Forward Look

No problems

Forward look 2011

future radio astronomy facilities and major projects.

events. Please contact amsr@jb.man.ac.uk (or, for ALMA-related training, mzwaan@eso.org). Possibilities include practical/general implementation of automatic flagging, latest ALMA data reduction. Karl, Frederic and myself will consider any suggestions.

Question: Now that Corina has left, please does anyone know who is coordinating LOFAR training events?

Longer term (for information, as it will come under the next phase) YERAC 2012 possibly Pushchino, 2013 possibly South Africa ERIS 2012 (sub-)mm-wave possibly ESO or IRAM Other major event - related to SKA pathfinders?