**Achievements in reporting period:** This report covers the period January - September 2009. * Quantitiy of access provided During the period, 97.3 hours of access were provided. * Number of projects completed during the reporting period Six projects were completed, two more were started. * Number of projects planned The telescope scheduling is done in "real time", taking e.g. weather into account, so an exact number of planned projects cannot be given. An approximate number is eight. * Estimated quantity of access in next 12 months 100 h **Problems / Issues** * Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen No problems are foreseen. * Red flags - major problems No. **Forward Look** * Plan for next year – 12 month outlook, more detail in first 6 month (including budget) TNA observations are expected to continue with no major changes (except possible upgrades to receivers) in the next 12 months. In the next six months, Swedish TNA observations will take place in November (note that APEX is not used for observations in January-March due to the "Bolivian winter").