**Achievements in reporting period:** * List of working documents Presentations given at the 2nd AMSTAR+ meeting. *Main Activities during 2009 Q4 and Work Plan for Q1 and Q2: The second AMSTAR+ meeting was held in Oxford on Dec 8th, 2009. It was attended by 25 engineers and scientists representing the 12 institutes participating to the JRA, as well as by P. Wilkinson the PI of APRICOT and by R. Blundell (CFA). The progress made by the groups in the frame of the 4 main AMSTAR+ Tasks were exposed and discussed during 15 oral presentations. The slides of these presentations will be copied on the AMSTAR+ wiki pages. * Meetings attended by people involved **Problems / Issues** * Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen * Red flags - major problems No major problem or red flag **Forward Look** * Plan for next quarter/half year– 3 and 6 month outlook, more detail in first 3 months (including budget) See September report * Expected milestones/deliverables * Expenditures - equipment, material and services Figures of the expenditures for the second half of 2009 were given in the September report. They will be updated early January 2010, when the actual figures will be known. * Person month spent/to be spent until next EC Report Figures of the expenditures for the second half of 2009 were given in the September report. They will be updated early January 2010, when the actual figures will be known. * Number of Persons working in JRA