**Achievements in reporting period:** This report covers the period between January 1st and June 30, 2011 * Quantity of access provided 364 hours of LOFAR time were devoted to TNA eligible projects. Furthermore three visitors were supported with TNA funds to reduced their data in Dwingeloo. * Number of projects completed during the reporting period These hours were atributed to 11 projects. * Number of projects planned For the rest of the year, 15 projects are eligible for TNA supported observations. * Estimated quantity of access in next 12 months In the next 12 months we expect to cover the whole allocation of TNA proposals. **Problems / Issues** * Issues - organisational, administrative or other problems foreseen * Red flags - major problems **Forward Look** LOFAR is at the latest statge of commissioning. The commissioning survey will start in October 2011 and is expected to last around 6 months. At the same time a reduced number of larger projects will also be observed and processed. It is expected that by March 2012, LOFAR will enter its first stage of operational readiness with the first set of observing modes and processing pipelines fully tested and available. ** Financial Report *** By Excel Sheet