Achievements in reporting period:

The following projects received observations during the reporting period:

Code Title PI Time
MN/06B/13 Low Power C.S.S. K-Bajraszewska 49hrs
MN/08B/09 NSL1-BAL Quasars Zuther 24hrs
RR022 IC2497 Rampadarath 78hrs
EP064 ULIRGs Perez-Torres 75hrs
EP065 Megamaser ULIRGs Polatidis 25hrs
EW013 OH masers in post-AGB stars Wolak 15hrs

Total 266hrs

6 projects were completed during this reporting period.These are:

e-MERLIN projects: MN/06B/13, MN/08B/09
VLBI projects (including e-MERLIN): RR022, EP064, EP065, EW013

This will depend on approved e-MERLIN and VLBI programmes during the period of e-MERLIN commissioning.

* Estimated quantity of access in next 12 months

The detailed quantity of access over the next 12 months will depend on the e-MERLIN commissioning timescale; however it is expected that it will exceed the contracted number of hours.

Problems / Issues

e-MERLIN commissioning will prove disruptive for TNA access to the enhanced instrument. However, as time becomes available we expect a very significant increase in demand for TNA time. e-MERLIN should become fully operational by Q4 2010.

None envisaged

Forward Look